
We are always on the lookout for used paper bags (the type you get orders from supermarkets delivered in), we go through hundreds of these bags weekly for customer purchases.

In the current economic climate, we want to keep the prices of fruit and vegetables as low as we can. One way we can achieve this is by utilising donated paper bags for our customers rather than purchasing new ones. With the added incentive we can reduce the use of single-use paper bags.


We are proposing to team up with local schools in an initiative that can involve students, their parents, and the community by donating 10KG of Fresh fruit for every 10KGs of used paper bags we receive.

There are approximately 250 bags per 10KG and given that each delivery from a supermarket can easily contain up to 10 bags, this is something that could be quick to achieve.


 If this is something you feel your school - club - organisation could be interested in please complete and submit the form below. We will send some promotional material for you to distribute as well as more detailed info regarding dropping off the bags and collection of fruit.